live psyhciaticorbing
see your self
it does fit .... personal algorithmic overlayerings fittings
na ziståm igtimeslanging infinity navigation then 3600 years

core 5008

expansion 3600

huggin 888

contraction 512 addings about flying the 8 as possible overlayerings algorithm fittings.....orb wobbling1400


enter level 2

Q~computering ongoing adabtions due cauldrons confessor titles as the contractions of philosophies continue........

oblivion teacher


self student 


0 born )(128)(

2 diging in the dirt )(107)(

3 climbing tree )(107)(

4 blueberry collecting )(107)(

6 milking cow )(107)(

8 growing plant food )(107)(

10 paperboy runnings )(107)(

12 programming bio|computer)(256)(|personal computer 

13 fantacy game creation )(107)(

14 hey reaving )(107)(

17 ultima7 timetravel programming )(107)(

0 child|children creation)(128)(

1975 24. august A.D. cristian religion timecalander

full robotic clone point true true )(oat religion brightorb chronoses 5008 legacy, 

verius technomagic informations an prism overlayerings androidic ConsionesEnergeticConstallation informati on the last page.... 


Lennart Brian Nedergaard Olsen